BIRAX – Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange – is a substantial initiative of the British Council and the British Embassy in Israel together with the Pears Foundation, investing in world-leading research jointly undertaken by scientists in the UK and Israel. BIRAX have awarded 32 research projects to date, investing over £12.5 million via five calls for proposals. Out of these, 13 projects totaling £5.2 million, were granted for projects focusing on ageing and its impact on human health.
The new phase, BIRAX Healthy Ageing evolves naturally from the previous phases and is designed to address the growing global challenge of ageing populations. This phase focuses on advancing our understanding of ageing and its effects on human health and well-being. Healthy Ageing reflects BIRAX’s commitment to not only studying the mechanisms of ageing but also promoting the preservation of health, mobility, and well-being as people age.
BIRAX Healthy Ageing builds on the programme’s long-term vision while aligning with global initiatives such as the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). The programme will continue to fund research, foster scientific collaboration, and increase engagement between researchers and institutions in both countries.
As BIRAX Healthy Ageing phase begins, it aims to provide opportunities for cutting-edge UK-Israel collaborative research and networking in the fields of medical conditions of ageing and research and promotion of healthy ageing. Supported by a coalition of partners, BIRAX remains at the forefront of international scientific efforts to address these challenges.
A call for proposals will soon be published soon, to stay updated you can subscribe to our newsletter or revisit this page.